Breaking into the industry is hard. We've been there. We are there. We get that.
At Culture Machine, we're dedicated to doing everything we can to break down the barriers of entry into the film and television world. But also having some fun along the way.
Our series #BizBreaks are quick bites on breaking in direct from some of the coolest people in the industry.
These aren't extensive interviews – typically they are 1 -3 minutes. But they are direct, raw insight from writers, directors, producers, actors, ADs, and assistants actively making a name for themselves in Hollywood.
Listen to Justin Simien talk about how posting his concept trailer on YouTube lead him to his own Netflix series.
And Dear White People writer and producer Jack Moore break down his three ways for up and coming writers to get staffed in a room.
For more #BizBreaks and industry insight goodness, follow Culture Machine on Instagram and subscribe to us on YouTube.